Raspberry 8 Health Benefits and Nutrition Facts | Raspberries

Binance Review 2018: Comprehensive Crypto Coin Exchange Binance is a Chinese cryptocurrency exchange. Binance was created after attracting funds via an ICO (Initial Coin Offering – creating a new digital asset, backed by the project. Changpeng Zhao, former CTO at OKCoin is currently at the helm of Binance. They are known for fast processing speeds coupled with an ability to process enormous numbers of transactions (1.4 million) each second. It’s been quickly gaining ground in market share cementing a place as a top 20 exchange in terms of volume. Binance transaction has reached a new level and currently score tenth place in the world. Binance offers a generous daily withdrawal limit. They don’t need identity confirmation when the per day remittance is within limit of 2 BTC. Binance Features Binance’s trading platform is web-based. Furthermore it offers two distinct trading layouts, a more simple one and a “Pro” version. Their ICO has created tokens named BNB that are traded on the exchange. They can also be used as a method of paying your trading fees, which will reduce them by 50%. Binance offers their own startup incubator platform as well. The trading functionality of the platform was of more interest so we focused on that for the purposes of this Binance review. Below is the “standard platform” look: Below is the advanced display: BINANCE Advantages Large Cryptocurrency Pairings Supported The competitive advantage of Binance’s platform is the ability to trade every major cryptocurrency pairing in existence. Coinbase and Gemini only offer trading of a handful of the larger market capitalization cryptos, whereas Binance allows users access to trade over 100 crypto coins. Low Fees AND LIMITS The fee structure is simple as well as being priced. There is a flat 0.10% fee on all trading. The 0.10% fee on trades is one basis point. If you were to buy a cryptocoin at 100 you’d have to sell it higher for 101 to profit. Ease of Setup Setting up an account is straight forward, similar to signing up for an account with other service providers. Another advantage is there is no lengthy waiting time, users are able to get setup and running within minutes. This is due to the fact that fiat is not accepted on the exchange. Binance Provides Significant Trading Volume Binance is currently the third largest exchange by cryptocurrency trading volume, according to coinmarketcap. At the time of writing, Binance’s volume was an astounding $5,441,711,452 in the last 24 hours! This volume demonstrates their users clear trust in the exchange, as well as the accessibility of the exchange and ease of transacting. This type of volume requires substantial servers and computational power. Wide Support of Cryptocurrencies No Verification Requirements Binance doesn’t require identity confirmation in instances when the per day remittance is within the limit of 2 BTC. The attractiveness of setting up an account with Binance may be greater for a user in a jurisdiction where certain exchanges choose not to allow new users because of restrictions imposed by that location’s governing regulatory bodies. Ease of Use You’re able to buy and sell crypto pairings with market or limit orders while specifying the amount or percentage you wish to trade for each transaction. BINANCE Disadvantages No Leveraged Margin Trading Margin trading is not available at Binance. Margin trading is a system which allows you to trade with more money than you actually have in your account. Your balance is then used as a guarantee to maintain your position open. No Fiat Functionality This has both advantages and disadvantages. Government fiat deposits are not currently enabled in Binance, instead this exchange focuses only on the digital side of things. Clients can deposit and withdraw the coins supported at the exchange. This means that you’re not able to deposit or withdraw in fiat currency, only cryptocurrency is supported. Relatively New Binance was started in only July 2017, according to this Reddit post. This is a major concern, as they don’t have a history. Despite all the good things people are saying on Reddit. it’s worth mentioning as many exchanges have come and gone. Binance appears to have a visible co-founder, unlike BTC-E. Conclusion Accessible option for obtaining Different Cryptocoins Binance is the most rapidly-growing and communally praised cryptocurrency exchange available. It’s China based location may spell issues in the future due to rumors of a “crackdown“. that currently accounts for a large amount of volume. Although Binance targets high frequency traders, it is quite useful for those getting beginning with altcoin trading. Their lack of fiat money deposits may be difficult to swallow for beginners, only supported cryptocurrencies may be deposited. Binance boasts a large number of various cryptocoins for trading. The main benefit is the ability convert between cryptocurrencies. For instance exchanges such as Coinbase and Gemini are more limited in the number of cryptocurrencies offered. The interface is also conducive to support shorter duration hold time day trading of cryptocurrencies if one were so inclined to deploy that strategy. Binance is an exchange worth looking into and integrating into crypto trading just for their large amount of supported crypto coins.
Raspberry is delicious and lovely looking fruit from genus Rubus, which comes from Rose family. It blooms throughout the year and is thus perennial in nature.
However, in olden days, it was a summer crop that has now been modified by technology to produce all round the year.
Raspberries are grown in most of the temperate regions of the world and Russia is the largest producer followed by Poland.
Today they are available in many hybrid forms and have numerous varieties that include Red Raspberries, Purple Raspberries, Black Raspberries, Blue Raspberries and Golden Raspberries.
There are about 15 species of this fruit that are cultivated across many countries and continents of the world.raspberry health benefits and nutrition
Raspberries are very popular and are known for their nutritious character.
This write-up will give you a detailed account of why raspberries recommended and a “must” in your daily fruit intake.
Raspberries are among the healthiest fruits and are super beneficial for your health. It has dense nutrient content that includes
Antioxidants, Phytonutrients, Fiber, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc, etc.
Amongst the nutrients, Raspberry has the highest proportion of Vitamin C on the scale of our body’s daily requirement of nutrients. 100g berries provide about 44% of Vitamin C required by us. (1)
Raspberries also boast of the high amount of dietary fiber with a reasonable level of sugar in it. Manganese is another component in Raspberry that fulfills about 32% of our daily requirement.
Manganese is another component in Raspberry that fulfills about 32% of our daily requirement.
But they are packed with magnificent source of antioxidants, phytonutrient and flavonoids that must be considered while eating it.
Apart from these, rest of the nutrients in the form of Vitamins, trace metals and proteins are moderately contained in this fruit constituting 2% to 4% of our daily need.
This juicy fruit is made up of 95% of water, one of the highest water content in fruits.
As evident from the nutrition chart, Raspberries are very healthy.
They are useful in preventing damage to DNA of our cells from free radicals thereby protecting from many health problems like cancer, macular degeneration, cardiovascular health, premature ageing and many more.
It is also known for its positive effects on improving eye vision, immunity,  blood formation and promoting healthy weight loss.
In this section we will introduce all health benefits of this wonderful fruit and why it works to improve your health.

1. Increases Immunity and slows down ageing

Vitamin C are water soluble vitamins that are essential for your body. They need to be restored and regularly replenished as they are not stored in our body cells. (2)
As mentioned earlier, Raspberry is a rich source Vitamin C. Vitamin C increases general immunity to fight cold, flu, infections and such other common diseases and conditions. (3)
Vitamin C is a rich antioxidant agent and highly effective in purifying and cleaning our blood and cells that make the immune function strong.
Antioxidants gets rid of the free radicals produced in our body by certain molecules on exposure to oxygen. These radicals can damage the cells and our DNA structure if not controlled and cleaned out. (45)
The formation of free radicals is natural and is taken care of by the antioxidants produced in the body by the food that we consume.
Other than Vitamin C, the antioxidant property of Raspberries is owing to phenols and anthocyanins in them.
Organic Raspberries have been found to be particularly effective as an anti-oxidant thereby slowing down the process of aging as well. (67)
Early aging is common due to increasing pollution, exposure to UV rays, unhealthy lifestyle and persistent stress. But raspberries are rich in antioxidants that neutralize these free radicals.
Thus, it protects the body from free radicals that cause aging and gives you a great looking taut skin as well.
Wrap up: The vitamin C and anti-oxidants like phenols and anthocyanins optimize the immune function and delays natural ageing of the body with their anti-oxidant properties.

2. Protect and Arrests Cancerous Cell Growth

The incidences of the Cancer is increasing but now with new advancements and studies on it, this condition may not spell doom for you anymore.
The researchers on food and nutrition for controlling cancer and preventing it are showing a lot of promise. One such elaborate study has been done by Dr. Daniel Nixon of Hollings Cancer Institute.
It has found conclusively the effects of Ellagic acid in Raspberries on Cancer. A cup of Raspberries contains about 40 mg of this acid. When consumed in moderate quantities, it prevents the occurrence of cancers. (89)
If Cancer patients increase the concentration of this acid by increasing the daily intake of raspberries, then they may be able to destroy the cancerous growths through a process called Apoptosis. (10)
Apoptosis in layman’s language means programmed cell death owing to a biochemical reaction. The acid in Raspberries triggers this process.
It has been found to be effective in most of the cancers including that of the breast, colon, pancreas, Esophagus, skin, prostate and amongst others. (1112)
The best part is that this process does not hurt or damage normal cells and slow down the cancer growth significantly.
Apart from a significant contribution from Ellagic acid, the antioxidant properties of Raspberries also help in aiding cancer prevention and growth.
Antioxidants neutralize these free radicals and protect from cancer. ORAC value (Oxygen Radiance Absorption Capacity) of raspberry is 4900 micromoles per 100 grams.
So it is useful in protecting against cancer and tumor.
Wrap up: The Ellagic acid in particular and Anti-oxidants in general found in Raspberries prevent cancer and slows down its spread in the body.

3. Maintains Eye Health

Eating raspberry improves vision and prevents the eye and retina from infections and other damages.eye health
Since raspberry is rich in antioxidants, it protects the eye retina from oxidative stress. So it is effective in preventing the loss of eye vision in the form of cataract or age-related degenerative eye disease macular degeneration. (13)
The combination of antioxidants like Vitamin C, Vitamin A and phenols ward off disease and safeguard the membranes of the eye that produce the watery fluid thereby cleaning and protecting the eye from “Dry Eye” syndrome. (14)
It reduces the risk of pannus formation that is a layer of granulation tissue which forms on the cornea.
The Ellagic acid has also been found highly active in the upkeep of eye health and vision.
They reduce the production of active oxygen in the body which has been associated with an increase in the formation of free radicals. These free radicals can damage the vision beyond repairs in more severe and advance cases.
Wrap up: The antioxidants and Ellagic acid prevents age related degenerative eye disease and improve vision. They also protect from eye infections and general eye diseases.

4. Controls Inflammation

Raspberry is rich in phytonutrient, antioxidants and tannins that prove useful to prevent inflammation of stomach, intestine, bones and cardiovascular system.
Studies have conclusively associated Red Raspberries with lowered incidents of inflammation in the body. (15)
It controls the degeneration of collagen that is the main protein in the connective tissue of the human body and thus necessary for cell repair and healing. (16)
Other than healing, repairing and reducing pain, Raspberries have been found to contain the severity of arthritis. They control the bone resorption that release the minerals from bone into the bloodstream.
An excessive uncontrolled resorption in arthritis patients make their bones brittle, soft and lowers its density.
It also inhibits the cartilage damage and thereby reduces the inflammation of bones and joints.
Wrap up: The anti-oxidants, tannin and phytonutrients in Raspberry reduce inflammation and aid in healing and repairing cells. It also brings a lot of relief to arthritic patients by reducing pain and maintaining good bone health.

5. Diabetes Management

Raspberries have reasonable sugar content and are high in dietary fiber that makes them reliable addition to the diet of diabetics. (17)
Raspberry contains 2 main nutrients that make it perfect for diabetes. Tilirosideand rheosmin bonus pack of raspberry.
Rheosmin for Obesity related benefits.
Tiliroside for Diabetes related benefits.
It is found that Adiponectin is not produced in sufficient amount in obese people.
Tiliroside stimulates the body to produce an Adiponectin to maintain sugar and insulin level in type 2 Diabetes patients. Adiponectin plays a key role in the regulation of blood sugar and blood fats.
Adiponectin is a protein that is responsible for glucose breakdown in our body. The synthesis of glucose leads to its absorption and prevents high levels of undigested sugar being circulated in the blood. (18)
Thus, it prevents the spike of blood sugar level in diabetes patient and prevents complications due to sugar level spike in obese people.
Wheres, Rheosmin benefits by increasing metabolism in our fat. It increases oxygen consumption, enzyme activity and heat production in fat cells.
Further, the natural sugar in Raspberries called fructose does not need insulin for metabolism. Therefore, diabetics with Type 2 diabetes do not have to worry about the elevated sugar levels in the blood after consuming them.
The Glycemic index of the fruit which reflects its ability to increase the Glucose in blood is below 40 for raspberries making them extremely healthy and ideal for diabetics.
Wrap up: The Rheosmin, Tiliroside, Fructose, high fiber and low glycemic index of Raspberries does not increase the sugar level of the blood and make for great sweet treat for diabetics.

6. Healthy Weight Loss

First things first, Raspberry has an extremely low-fat content but high fiber that keeps you feeling full for longer.
The water content of Raspberry at 95% protects you from dehydration owing to heavy exercises.
The entire composition of trace metals including manganese, potassium and Phosphorus restore the lost balance of electrolyte in the body.weight loss
It is a low-calorie fruit which keeps you light and makes for a good before and after workout snack.
Further, Raspberry Ketones (Rheosmin) found in the raspberry have been found to be effective in burning the fat stored in the abdominal region by many studies. (19)
These studies showed that it breaks down the lipid within fat cells. Thus, this reduces the fat deposits in the body.
It has also been found that Raspberry Ketones reduces the capacity of the body to absorb excess fat. It burns fat naturally and promotes healthy weight loss.(20)
Wrap up: Raspberry due to its nutritional composition makes for a great snack while on weight loss spree and the Ketones in it breakdown fats reducing the waistline of your body.

7. Blood circulation & cardiovascular health

Raspberry has the anti-coagulant property that makes it a great blood thinner. In critical cases where patients experience fluctuating blood pressure and excessive clotting. (21)
Raspberries are recommended as a part of their regular diet. They not only discourage clotting but also dissolve clots maintaining the fluidity of the blood.
It is the Salicylate content in the Raspberries that makes it an effective blood thinning agent.
An optimum fluidity of blood and regular heartbeat ensure healthy cardiovascular system. The potassium in Raspberries ensures optimum muscle function in the body including the heart muscles. (22)
It reduces the chances of arrhythmia and regulates the contraction and expansion of heart muscles optimizing the blood pumping through the body.
Berries, in general, are also known for increasing the HDL (high-density lipoproteins) aka good cholesterol in the body optimizing the heart function further.
Wrap up: Raspberries act as natural blood thinning agent, promotes healthy cholesterol and optimizes heart function making it excellent for blood pressure and cardiovascular health.

8. Women’s health

Women love raspberries and now they have more than the “tasty” reason to include them in the diet.
Raspberries and particularly raspberry leaf have been found very effective in decreasing menstrual flow and cramps during the menstrual cycle, reducing pain during childbirth, preventing hemorrhage and relieving nausea. (23)
It reduces pain by tightening and strengthening the pelvic muscles that experience cramping during periods.
They soothe the body by relaxing muscles and reduce the stress. It also increases the milk flow in lactating mothers.
The leaf and fruit contain Carotenoids, Citric Acid, Fragrine and vitamins that make it a potent agent for menstruation and child birth-related conditions.
As mentioned earlier, it also helps in the treatment of Cervical cancer by kick-starting the process of Apoptosis in the cancerous growth.
Wrap up: Raspberries are helpful in regulating menstrual cycle, reducing cramps and pain during periods and brings down the risk of hemorrhage. It increases the flow of milk in lactating mothers and helps in treatment of cervical cancer.

Plants Compound That Make It Special

Anthocyanins: Anthocyanins is and flavonoids that is required in varied functionality. They play an important role in the protection of DNA cleavage, anti-inflammatory, membrane strengthening and other important functions at cellular levels. (24)Raspberry 8 Health Benefits and Nutrition Facts | Raspberries
There are 4 Anthocyanins present in raspberry.
  1. Cyanidins
  2. Pelargonidins
  3. Delphinidins
  4. Malvidins
Flavonols: It has antioxidants and ant-inflammatory property.
  1. Quercetin
  2. Kaempferol
Flavanols: Flavanols plays a major role to increase the blood flow, new blood vessels, neuron formation, healthy brain, increase capillary density and protection from Alzheimer’s disease. (25). It has 2 type of flavanols.
  1. Catechins
  2. Epicatechins
Flavonoid glycosides: It shows antioxidants property, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, antiviral, antibacterial, anticancer, etc. (26)
  1. Tiliroside
Tannins: It possess anticarcinogenic and antimutagenic potentials that provide its antioxidants property. It protects from cellular oxidative stress, inhibits growth of virus, bacteria and yeasts. (27)
  1. Ellagitannins
  2. Gallotannins
  3. Proanthocyanidins
Hydroxybenzoic acids: It has potent antioxidants property, protects from Alzheimer’s disease, aging, increase blood flow, etc (28)
  1. Ellagic acid
  2. Lambertianin
  3. Sanguiin
  4. Vanillic acid
  5. Gallic acid
  6. Chlorogenic acid
Hydroxycinnamic acids: It also has antioxidants property.
  1. Caffeic acid
  2. Coumaric acid
  3. Ferulic acid
Stilbenoids: Resveratrol found in raspberry is potent for cardiovascular health and diabetes.
  1. Resveratrol
Rheosmin (raspberry ketone): Raspberry ketone is phytonutrients in raspberry that make it super fruit. It is potent to increase enzyme activity, oxygen consumption and increase heat production in fat cells. It decreases the risk of obesity.

Words Of Caution

People who are taking medicines for blood thinning must speak to their doctor before including Raspberries in their diet.
It is because Raspberry also contributes to anti-clot and anti-coagulation in the body and may interfere with the drugs.
Raspberry Ketones tend to react with other weight loss supplements, and therefore, a complete knowledge must be gained before you go on weight loss regimen using Ketones and supplements as well.
Always look for “Natural Ketone” supplement for weight loss. “Blended Ketones” means that it is synthetically prepared and so can be harmful.
Raspberry contains a high amount of oxalates which is also concerned.
Red raspberry: 15-25 milligrams oxalates in 3.5 ounces.
Black raspberry: 50-60 milligrams oxalates in 3.5 ounces.
Due to high oxalates in black raspberry, it is recommended to limit its intake.
High oxalates crystallize and cause health problems. People with kidney or gallbladder problems.
While other can enjoy it benefits by limiting its intake and also chewing it properly to get the most benefits.
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